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Is Sweden a tech. role model?

Writing an economics paper re. tech. innovation in the last decade and my attention was drawn to Swe
by AugustusSeptimius on March 16th 2023
Writing an economics paper re. tech. innovation in the last decade and my attention was drawn to Sweden. In addition to being the famed birthplace of Spotify, since mid-2016, it has borne 35 tech unicorns––companies valued over $1 billion––and now has the 5th largest number of potential unicorns––companies valued between $250 million and $1 billion (https://dealroom.co/blog/sweden-tech-ecosystem). All of this despite having the population of London. Definitely an interesting discussion.

Is Sweden a tech. role model?

Writing an economics paper re. tech. innovation in the last decade and my attention was drawn to Swe
by AugustusSeptimius on March 16th 2023
Writing an economics paper re. tech. innovation in the last decade and my attention was drawn to Sweden. In addition to being the famed birthplace of Spotify, since mid-2016, it has borne 35 tech unicorns––companies valued over $1 billion––and now has the 5th largest number of potential unicorns––companies valued between $250 million and $1 billion (https://dealroom.co/blog/sweden-tech-ecosystem). All of this despite having the population of London. Definitely an interesting discussion.
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